The Benefits Of A Laptop In A Workstation

Sunday February 19, 2017

Everyone knows laptops to be the first example of a portable device that was still capable of doing work. They used to be clunky and heavy devices, but they proved their worth in the business world.

While everyone loves the power of a desktop (and the fact that it’s hard to move), laptops are beginning to become a big part of an employee’s workstation, in some cases replacing the desktop entirely.

Some workstations now have hybrid tablets which function just like a laptop, which are lighter, easy to carry and have the processing power needed to carry out your work. Technology is becoming more and more portable, and yet still carries out the same functions.

Despite this advance in technology, some people are still going to want desktops for their employees. They wonder if laptops are really the right technology for the workstation.

It’s an interesting question, because you don’t see as many advertisements for technology to be in your workplace. It’s always in your home, and that’s where tablets, smartphones and laptops have been shown to be.

I don’t think there is any debate about the use of a laptop in a home setting. Almost everyone loves the fact that you can use your laptop or tablet anywhere around the house, and it’s something that you can take with you when you travel.

But is a laptop really that bad for the workplace? Or is it a powerful piece of technology that you haven’t kept your eyes on?

Laptops Allow Portable Work

Sometimes your employees will be working outside of the office, and that’s not something that you can prevent. In fact, it might be necessary for employees to take their work with them for events like a presentation.

Desktops are not built to be portable devices. It is possible to take them to specific locations, but the amount of weight and wires you have to connect mean that it is likely you won’t take it too far away from the office. You would most likely have to transport your desktop in a vehicle, or by freight if you have to go internationally.

A laptop, on the other hand, can be easily packed into a carry-on bag that can easily fit into your own bag or in the back seat of your car. It is light enough to travel with you on a plane, which means international work opportunities (should they arise) are easier and better to work with.

In some cases, you might have employees who want to work away from the office, whether they are working on a business trip or they might think remote work is their own working style.

This is difficult with a desktop, as many people are unwilling to bring a device that heavy across long distances. But a laptop is easier to carry around, and you would have the same network connections that a desktop can make.

As business is done all over the world, portability is becoming a big factor in the workstation, whether your operations are just local, national or even international.

Laptops Are Easier To Set Up

Not everyone in your company will be good with technology. You might not also have a technology department that you can call on to bring in a new computer.

Desktops often have a lot of assembly time, and they can take up a lot of space. This isn’t always practical if your office is small, or if you need to get someone set up in a hurry.

A laptop can easily be set up quickly as long as you can turn it on, and you can get your employees up and running without much hassle.

If you buy every employee the same laptop, it also cuts down on training new employees on all of the special functions and features that may come with buying everyone their own laptop. Sure, you are going to have basic functions and software installations, but with everyone using the same laptop, it is easier to train people as everyone uses the same device.

You could argue that buying everyone the same desktop would work just as well, but the setup times will mean that you take longer to get an employee started than if you just worked with a laptop.

Getting someone settled in and ready to work is very important for a job, especially if it is that employee’s first day. Don’t make it more confusing than it has to be.

Laptops Are Easier To Organize

Offices are not big, and you’re most likely going to have more than one piece of technology. Unlike your home, where you can likely get away with using one desktop to work with your mobile devices, you might have a lot of people working in an office with many computers.

If all of the computers are desktops, it’s harder to move around, not just because of the bulk and size of the laptop. For example, if you are moving office, or moving employees around the office, it is not going to be easy moving all of your desktops.

Laptops are easy to take, move and set up, while also fitting a smaller workspace, which is great in case any employee needs to move to a smaller work station.

This is especially important in an office move, where things can get damaged easily, and employees may have to do remote work during this time period.

Is A Laptop Going To Be Perfect?

One could never say that a laptop is going to become the device that solves everything. In fact, a desktop is a cheaper, more powerful and easily upgradeable piece of technology. Some industries will end up using both a laptop and a desktop.

There isn’t an evil option here. Yes, it may terrify a few people that remote work is becoming more and more dominant, but that’s because the advantages of a laptop have allowed that to happen, which has made workers more flexible with their working arrangements.

Are laptops easily stolen? Yes, because if a laptop is accidentally left outside, it will be taken. Desktops can be stolen too; theft is not exclusive to a single type of object. Thefts from inside the office are not unheard of.

Will there be disadvantages to having a laptop? Of course there will be. But by learning more about what a laptop can do for you, you might be a bit more understanding about the benefits a laptop can bring, and what you can do to make sure that you and your employees can work efficiently and effectively.

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Craig Boyle

MSP Blueshift supports a range of different businesses who depend on their technology to deliver goods and services to their clients. From architects to retail chains, we’re passionate about streamlining IT systems and processes to move business forward.

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