R.I.P Company Data

Sunday February 19, 2017

RIP Company Data

“We loved you company data, you will be sadly missed…”


It never ceases to amaze me, how some SMB’s will invest thousands on their computer network then…only spend $150 on a couple of USB drives to protect their data and productivity!


The two most common answers I hear, believe it or not are, “I’d never thought of it like that” and  “I know, I know, but…” (you can enter your own excuse here…I heard them all…)


Backup systems used to be expensive, and DR, forget about it, for most SMB’s that was something only large corporations could afford.


Today you can implement a commercial grade, off-site, fully automated, managed system, that runs a backup every two hours for $1.99 per Gigabyte, per month.


A fully managed automated on-site / off-site back up, with full disaster recovery built in for as little as $225.00 per month for up to 3 servers. It’s not a big investment to make to protect one of your company’s most valuable assets.


What should you consider when selecting a backup and disaster recovery solution?


The two most important factors are:

1. Recovery Point Objective or (RPO) –  which is, how much data can we afford to loose, i.e how often do we need to be backing up.

2. Recovery Time Objective (RTO) – which means, how long can you afford to operate without your systems or data.

The two hundred and twenety five dollar solution I mentioned has an RPO of 1 Hour (i.e. you would lose a maximum of one hour of data) and an RTO of


My advice to all SMB’s is take 10 minutes out of your busy day and think of what RPO and RTO is acceptable to you? Then drop your IT provider an email asking these two questions:

1.       How often is our data backed up?

2.       If we had a catastrophic failure, how long would it be before we were operational?

This will tell you your current RPO and RTO, if they don’t match what’s acceptable to you, ask them to design one that does!


P.S – We provide a Free, no obligation BUDR audit and recommendation service for SMB’s.

To arrange a Free BUDR audit and recommendation, please call 1300 501 677 or email me directly craigb@


Craig Boyle

MSP Blueshift supports a range of different businesses who depend on their technology to deliver goods and services to their clients. From architects to retail chains, we’re passionate about streamlining IT systems and processes to move business forward.