No more Mr nice guy

Sunday February 19, 2017


(Best Ever Computer Tech not an Ordinary Nerd)


It’s been a while since I updated my blog, I had some problems with the Russians. It seems that Svetlana was not a girlfriend but a hooker, and they expected me to pay for her, even though I only sent her a message in Facebook. I was told if I didn’t pay them 1000 Rubles, they would take me to the Siberian acid mines and make me work off the payment. I had no wish to work, let alone in a Russian mine, which I hear does not have the best working conditions. So I have spent the last 12 months hiding in my apartment, ordering in pizza and doughnuts and telling work I was working from home. It actually worked out quite well and I had a great time, but as I have now watched every movie that was ever made, it is time to venture out again. I hope the Russian’s have forgotten about me. It was a master stroke that I put a picture of Hugh Jackman on my Facebook profile, which will have thrown them off. I wonder if he is now working in the acid mine now.


For my first day back in the office I planned to be tough, I was in conflict with the Russian Mafia after all. I could start the Becton Mafia, where I would be the boss and could order whackings and start extortion schemes. I like the sound of that, mafia bosses have no problem getting girls, so wouldn’t even need online dating anymore. I shall start working on my evil plans after the star Trek movie marathon tonight.


I went into the office via the backdoor, even though it has been 12 months since I was last there, I couldn’t face the rabid receptionist. The IT department looked mostly the same, just a bit tidier than I remember. I went to my desk and there was someone sitting there eating doughnuts, so I told him to move. “Why would I do that” he asked, “it’s my desk”. “Well we shall see about that” I said and went to the boss’s office. There was a woman sitting in the bosses chair, I had no idea who the boss was since Jerry left, so I presumed this was his wife. I walked in and said “Hi, you must be the boss’s wife” She looked up and didn’t look too happy “No, I am the boss” she said sternly “now who are you?” Whoa, a woman boss, how’s that going to work I thought. I told her who I was and that I had been doing a year of intensive study. “And what did you study?” she asked. Time for some quick thinking Becton, “Er, Oraclesoft, Appletron, Unixis and Microburger” I said. She sighed and told me to take the desk next to the water cooler.


So I when and sat down at my new desk. The start of my empire I thought, having a woman in charge will be a disaster, and Becton thrives on chaos. As it was already 10:00 I decided on an early lunch, I needed sustenance so I could plan my next move. I was a Mafia boss now and had to act accordingly.


Next time

The long computer


Craig Boyle

MSP Blueshift supports a range of different businesses who depend on their technology to deliver goods and services to their clients. From architects to retail chains, we’re passionate about streamlining IT systems and processes to move business forward.

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