Halloween Horror Story

Sunday February 19, 2017


I’ll tell you a story of fright and frey

One that happened last Halloween day

A day not to dissimilar to this, only a little less bathed in bliss.

The players are not one but two, and should be heeded by the lucky few.  


We open with young Mary-Loo, sitting at her desk with a job to do.

Upon her computer a document lay, that had to be delivered by 2:00 that day.

As she finished the document and thought of her pay, her computer just went away.

Not a flicker a splutter or even a tick, Mary thought it’s Halloween is this a trick.

On to the phone as quick as a flash, Mary called the IT guy to help with her crash.

However a quick response was not to be, all Mary got was a message you see…

“Oh hi you’ve called lucky Turtle IT; I’m not available as you can see.

So leave a message I’ll call you back and once I do I’ll try to get you on track”.

On track was where Mary needed to be, but it wasn’t going to happen without IT.


Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc the minutes flew by, and still no call back from that IT guy,

Finally after 3 hours had past the call that Mary needed came at last.


But good news for Mary was not to be, you see he couldn’t get there till after 3:00.

Mary pleaded and begged and threatened too.

However there’s only so much one man can do,

you simply can’t be in places times two, when as one all the work you must do.

As the hour of 2:00 came and went, and that document was never sent, Mary was left to lament the IT decision she’d made, to save a cent.


This horror story is true, you shouldn’t rely on numbers of one or two,

you need a company that answers your call, otherwise like Mary you’re going to take a fall

There is one company I know it’s true, there called MSP Blueshift and they always come through…


So when next a decision about changing IT Company you stew,

Remember their name or the next horror story may involve you!




Craig Boyle

MSP Blueshift supports a range of different businesses who depend on their technology to deliver goods and services to their clients. From architects to retail chains, we’re passionate about streamlining IT systems and processes to move business forward.

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