Grant Writing Tips

Sunday February 19, 2017


Funding is often an ongoing struggle for a number of organisations. Therefore, writing grants and funding applications becomes a necessary part of business.

Intended Future Consultancy Groups  principal consultant Lisa Thomas provides some valuble tips to maximise your success.


Eligibility Tips


    1. Always make sure you are eligible for the funding you are applying, otherwise you are wasting your valuable time.
    2. If there is a contact you can ring, make the phone call. You will quickly be able to realise whether your project is what they are looking for and you might even obtain some information that will set you apart from the rest of the applications.


Writing Tips


    1. All funding applications ask questions – always make sure you answer all the questions. If you don’t know the answers- do research.
    2. Use language that is not industry specific, the person reading your application may not have an in depth understanding of what your organisation or sector does – keep it simple. If there is a word limit keep to it.
    3. Use current examples of your success. If you have a project that has been a success in past use this as an example of what your organisations has been able to achieve in the past.
    4. Don’t forget to include letters of support, collaboration and strategic partners. This also shows you have a vast knowledge base and capacity to draw on.
    5. If you have relevant diagrams or pictures use them. A picture speaks a thousand words they say.
    6. Make you budget realistic, seek help putting this together if you are unsure.
    7. Be clear and concise state your case for the funding convincingly.
    8. Make sure your application is submitted on time and in the format required.


About the writer

Lisa Thomas is the principal consultant with Intended Future Consultancy Group. Lisa is a business development consultant and provides government grant and strategic business planning advice to SME’s, Corporates and not for profit organisations. Lisa has a broad range of experience working with health and community services organisations, agriculture, adult education and manufacturers.


The types of Grants that Lisa has been involved in are philanthropic trusts, Fashion TCF small business fund, Regional Development Victoria programs, EPA projects, Commercialisation Australia, Enterprise Connect and most recently Investing in Manufacturing Technology.



Craig Boyle

MSP Blueshift supports a range of different businesses who depend on their technology to deliver goods and services to their clients. From architects to retail chains, we’re passionate about streamlining IT systems and processes to move business forward.

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